Creative Director
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Creative Director
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Photographer / Creative Director
2018年に “Dance, Art, Human being” を軸にするウェブマガジン『Alexandre(アレクサンドル)』を創刊。2020年、クラシックバレエを現代の解釈で表現するプロジェクト『BALLET TheNewClassic (バレエザニュークラシック)』を、K-BALLET TOKYOプリンシパル・堀内將平とともに始動。2022年・2024年と成功を収め話題を呼んだ。また写真家/舞踊演出としてファッションブランドとのコラボレーションも積極的に行なっている。2025年5月にはバレエ公演『EOL(イー・オー・エル)』を手がける。
2018.09 「Alexandre」創刊
2020.02 株式会社ALEXANDRE 設立
2020.09 「BALLET TheNewClassic」始動
2022.08 バレエ公演「BALLET TheNewClassic2022」(全5公演)@恵比寿ガーデンホール
2023.01 写真展「BALLET DANCERS」@reload下北沢
2024.08 バレエ公演「BALLET TheNewClassic 2024」(全4公演)@新国立劇場 中劇場
2025.05 バレエ公演「EOL」(全3公演)@彩の国さいたま芸術劇場 小ホール
Christian Dior, Chika Kisada, CFCL, DANSKIN, Chacott, 三井ホーム
新国立劇場バレエ団, K-BALLET TOKYO, 東京バレエ団,
谷桃子バレエ団, 大和シティバレエ,
Yumiko Inoue graduated from Keio University. She began her career in photography while still a student, and later worked mainly in advertising and fashion. Fascinated by beautiful dancers, she has been photographing and filming dancers as her lifework.
Her activities go beyond photography and include media and organizing ballet performances.
In 2018, she launched "Alexandre," a web magazine based on "Dance, Art, Human being," which regularly delivers high-quality photos and articles with the cooperation of top creators.
In 2020, she and Shohei Horiuchi, principal dancer of the K-BALLET Company, launched "BALLET TheNewClassic," a project to express ballet, which has a history of combining tradition and innovation, in a modern interpretation. In August 2022, a ballet gala performance was held as the first phase of the project. The crowdfunding campaign achieved 751% of its goal, and all performances were sold out. The performance received many compliments from the critics.
<Activity History >
2018.09 First issue of "Alexandre"
2020.02 Establishment of ALEXANDRE LTD.
2020.09 Start of "BALLET TheNewClassic”
2022.08 Ballet performance "BALLET TheNewClassic2022" (5 performances)
2023.01 Photo exhibition "BALLET DANCERS" @reload Shimokitazawa
2024.08 Ballet performance "BALLET TheNewClassic2024" (4 performances)
2025.05 Ballet performance "EOL" (3 performances)